Page name: Romance Among the Ruin [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-10-27 13:49:07
Last author: Tekkon KinKreet
Owner: Tekkon KinKreet
# of watchers: 1
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Hannah shook her head but smiled. "You don't have to smile if you don't want to...i'm just kidding around with you." she said. She once again wrapped her arm round his then started to walk. "So have you met any of the others, apart from that Elson guy? Any girls that deserve to be slapped by me?" she said shivering slightly from the cold.

"yeah... I mean! No!...well... I mean yes I met one of the others and it was a girl... but no she doesn't need slapped... she was a physcic and well... she didn't really seem to want anything particular from me other then to get me alone. Not for any reason you might think!! but to kill me... I think.." Devlin says blushing making him frown again.

Vala opened her eyes, a smirk on her lips. She had heard the whole conversation between Devlin and Hannah. So he is Death.
Selena walked chance into the bedroom as he was undressing. She shut the door behind her and got ready herself for bed in the bathroom.

"Sounds like she needs slapped to me..." said Hannah looking at Devlin. "I'll put that on my personal to do one messes with my friends..." she said smiling. She stared up at the old houses they were passing and shuddered. "It's slightly scarey round here, the houses just appear out of the darkness like their haunted or something..." she said clinging to Devlin's arm for comfort more than anything now. "I'm glad you came for this walk now...I don't like being alone..." she said looking at him then looking away quickly embarassed. " house is quite close..we can get my car from there and i'll drive us back."

Chance finished undressing and crashed into bed. He was so tired his eyes felt like they could crush his eyes and sleep overtook him quickly.

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2006-10-27 [Eyelash-Wishes]: so chance...have you got something planned for this page?

2006-10-27 [Tekkon KinKreet]: i might actually change the name... well, i will now... i just thought it was funny.

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